Hi, in this blog we are going to implement basic image similarity search project using some basic python libraries.
This project is very useful for beginners.
In this project i am going to using Histogram matching, and python opencv.
First you need to clone my project.
cmd :- git clone https://github.com/Manishsinghrajput98/similar_search.git
cmd :- cd simmilar_search_histogram
cmd :- python main.py --input input.jpg
where --input indicate the command line arguments for taking input images from user
We don't use any model training for this project.
This is our input image
Our project folder contains Database folder which is contained different-different background images.
You need to pass input image. the input image compare all the images in our Dataset folder. which image is greater than 65 percent. it will return similar images using Histogram. also similar images save in our output folder. you can check it.
This is our output images
There are many way to solved similar images search. i have used histogram. upcoming blog we will implement powerful product recommendation system using Deep learning Algorithm for feature extraction and for feature (vector) compare we will use euclidean distance. and for product detection we will use Mask RCNN. this project we will use for deployment. also i will try to make front end for this So you can check it our Backend result in Front end.
If you have any doubt so please comment.
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